

Created by Crescent Chimera

A solo sci-fi RPG of space exploration and faction conflict set in a retrofuturistic universe

Latest Updates from Our Project:

"Systems & Settlements" 1.3 Update, Starmap Tool, & Starship Builder | August Update #10
about 1 month ago – Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 06:14:42 PM

📭 Introduction

Hi! This new update includes information on the largest Core Book update so far, new game content and mechanics, digital tools, and tokens!

👾 Discord Server

The ASTROPRISMA Server has grown massively since last update, we are now close to reaching 1000 members!  The community has been really active sharing custom content, discussing lore and mechanics, character art, maps, tier lists, and more!

Join the Discord Server by clicking this link!

Join the Discord community!

🛰️ The Systems & Settlements Update [1.3]

The Core Book Playtest has received the largest update yet, including many quality of life changes, balance changes, and new content for the base game. The Systems & Settlements update aims to add more diversity and options for combat systems and character progression, increasing the potential for different builds and playstyles; and add a whole new set of features for Settlements, including downtime activities and new quests. 

Settlement activities and sidequests have been introduced in the new update

1.3 Update Changelog

Updated Mechanics & Systems

  • Player actions during combat have now been streamlined into ◆ Main actions and ◇ Side Actions, allowing for a wider range of options and actions per turn.
  • The old advantage system has been replaced with a GRACE roll to determine turn order.
  • The length and difficulty of faction leader boss fights has been increased, to provide a more significant challenge and counter the increase of player actions and power level.
  • The impact of stats throughout the game systems has been rebalanced. VIGOR now affects your healing with Health Packs and your ability to throw Grenades, while GRACE now influences turn order directly, among other changes.
  • Drones have been adapted to the new action system. Deploying Drones costs 1 Main action, but controlling Drones on subsequent turns now only utilizes your Side Action.
  • Added two new pages of random tables, containing a NPC Generator and d100 NPC Requests.
The new Action and turn system allows for more build variety

Improved Cybertech Implants

  • Introduced a new Cybertech implant: CORTEX FIREWALL, which allows you to avoid Malware while hacking if you have higher MIN than the enemy.
  • Introduced a new Cybertech implant: ATLAS HANDS, which allows you to Stun the enemy for VIG turns if you have higher Armor than them.
  • HEALING NANOBOTS are now considered a Main action.
  • CODE PROCESSOR now makes the first Hack you cast cost 0 Energy.
  • SECOND BRAIN now lets you cast Hacks using your Side action by paying an extra 3 Energy when casting them
  • FORCEBLAST HAND and TRIGGER FINGERS are now Side actions
  • MANTIS SCYTHES now get x2 damage if you move first
  • HYPER REFLEXES now allow you to slow down time and avoid enemy attacks by paying 3 Energy and +1 extra Energy for each Armor point you have
  • CHROMEFIST now deals Armor x VIG damage and counts as a melee attack
  • DUAL PROCESSOR is now a Side action
  • JET PROPULSORS now let you escape using your Side action, and let you roll with advantage when doing so
  • SCANNER EYE lets you pay 3 Energy to avoid rolling MIN when casting a Hack once per encounter
  • CHAINSAW ARMS are considered a Main action 
  • Increased the cost of Cybertech from 150>200 and 200>300.

Improved Hacks

  • JAVELIN now deals d12 damage instead of d10.
  • SHADOW now costs 2 Energy.
  • COUNTERSPELL now also disables the enemies passive Skill.
  • MINDSTEAL now makes you gain as much MIN as you stole from the enemy.
  • PARASYTE now also restores 2 HP per enemy targeted.
  • INGNITE now deals d12 damage instead of d10.
  • RAGNAROK now Overheats all enemies and increases the effect of Overheat to deal d6+MIN damage.
  • Now all Master Hacks cost 3 Energy.
  • The BREACH status has been changed so it no longer completely stops you from performing hacks while affected.

Updated Weapon Mods

  • Introduced a new weapon mod: MALWARE INJECTION, which allows you to Breach the enemy if you roll 1 or 2 base damage.
  • HEAT CHAMBER now works when you roll 1 or 2 damage, instead of only 1.
  • AUTORELOADER, CHARGE ATTACK now cost a Side action.
  • STEALTH GRIP now works when you are first in turn order.
  • SILENCER now makes the weapon deal half damage, but attacking with it now doesn't count as direct damage.
  • KINETIC ENGINE now restores 1 Energy per attack.

Expanded Settlements

  • You can now perform a variety of activities at Settlements, including Test Flights, Combat Simulations, Crafting equipment, interacting with locals and recruiting Crewmembers [coming with next update], and navigating the Cybersphere [coming next update].
  • You can now take on sidequests from settlements to increase your Favor with the ruling faction.


  • You can now gain scraps by dismantling equipment or looting them from enemies while exploring
  • Scraps can be used to craft items or repair your starship
Scraps can be used to craft equipment

Other Changes

  • Increased the cost of some equipment like Weapon Mods and Cybertech..
  • You are now expelled from a faction when your Favor drops bellow 2 [up from 0].
  • Specified that 6 is the max number of Cybertech implants you can install.
  • Cybertech is now easier to distinguish from other enemy abilities.
  • Chromeskins now start with a Reinforced Jacket instead of a Combat Exoskeleton.
  • Wireheads now start with a NetLink instead of 2 Energy Cells.
  • All players now start the game with 50 Scraps, instead of 2 Starship Parts.
  • Increased the HP of some Hard enemies.
  • Some abilities and items, like Grenades, now target all enemies instead of a single one.
  • Zero-G Liquor now provides +1 extra Side action next turn.
  • Velocity Rockets and Nuclear Pulse Jets have had their effects changed due to the new update to turn order calculation. They now have a different effect.
  • Energy Cost of Drone abilities increased.
  • Added a d66 Starship Name table and a d12 Starship Class table.
  • The effect of most Quest items, like Tesseract and Trading license, has changed.
  • Scraps now added to the Looting table and encounters.
  • And more!

You can download the new update and digital files through this link! 

🌌 Starmap Tool

Create your star system map while exploring with the new Starmap Tool!

Copy or drag the elements from the sides to build the map, or drag the token files from your computer to make them fit automatically into the hexes. [To do so, hold the image over the tile for 1 second before dropping it]

🛠️ Starship Builder

Create your own Starship designs with the Starship Builder!

Build a starship by putting together Modules and design elements to come up with a unique spaceship design.

❓How to use the online tools

To use these tools click on the Google Drive links below.

Once you have clicked the link, select FILE in the top left of the page, then click on MAKE A COPY>ENTIRE PRESENTATION. This will create a copy of the document that you can edit and use freely.

Alternatively, you can choose to download the tools in any file format you prefer, in case you want to use a different design or editing program to use them.



🖨️ Printable Hex Tokens

With the new digital files release, you will be able to print token tiles for your map and character sheet. There are 7 different Hex color styles to choose from.

🏭 Production Update

I wanted to include a little production update to keep you informed on the progress being made so far. As you may have observed while reading the recent updates and changes, I have decided to include significantly more content to the game than originally planned, surpassing even the unlocked Stretch Goals. As an example, future updates will include features like an explorable Cybersphere system, as outlined in the new settlements section, and other completely new mechanics like Crewmembers from different factions, and more. 

My focus is to make the best game possible, and to do so, I have expanded the development time to add all of these new additions and extras. This will mean that the printing and physical delivery date will be pushed by a few months while development on new content continues. That being said, the Core Book is only a few updates away from being complete. Once that happens work on the Expansion content and extras like the Soundtrack will commence. I'll keep you updated on the progress made and schedules in future updates like this one.

Hope you enjoy playing the new update!

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ASTROPRISMA Discord Server & Core Book 1.2 Update! | July Update #09
about 2 months ago – Sun, Jul 21, 2024 at 03:12:33 PM

📭 Introduction

Hi! This is a very exciting update, a huge new version of the Core Book Playtest has just been released, and the ASTROPRISMA Discord Server is now live!

👾 Discord Server

ASTROPRISMA now has a discord community. Talk to other players, showcase your characters & maps, ask questions about the game, find new third party content and development updates, or share your experiences during your playthrough!

Join the Discord Server by clicking this link!

Join the Discord community!

📔 Core Book Playtest 1.2 Update

The Core Book Playtest has received the largest update yet, including many quality of life changes, balance changes, and new content for the base game.

You can download the Playtest PDF and the updated Character Sheets through this link! 

1.2 Update Changelog

Quality of Life Changes

  • The PDF now has an easy-to-use external index in the PDF file
  • Hyperlinks have been added throughout the text, words that refer to a different section in the book are now clickable
  • The Ring Encounter tables (and other tables like loot rewards, etc) are now clickable, each result is linked to each specific page
  • Every 'Roll d6, d10, etc' in the text links you to an online roller where the dice is automatically rolled for you. Every Challenge Roll in the game now links to an online roller where two d10s are rolled.
  • The Astroprisma website is now also linked in the Online Content section of the index page
Clicking on dice rolls and table headers now automatically rolls them in a digital dice roller
The PDF now has a hyperlinked integrated index on the sidebar


  • Starships now have a Cargo Hold, with additional space to store items.
  • Character Sheets have been updated, now featuring a Status Condition tracker, notes section, and Cargo Hold.
  • Introduced the concept of Direct Damage to regular combat.
  • Now Abyssal Scars set your Energy, Health, Fuel and Hull to 10 (previously it would only affect Health and Hull)
  • Added the Critical Condition status to ship combat, making the effect of some ship modules easier to understand and more intuitive
  • Lowered the costs of grenades and narcobiotics
  • Settlements now sell exclusive types of items based on which faction is in control: [Drones - Synth, Hacks - Medusa, Weapon Mods - WARG, Narcobiotics - Corsair, etc.]
  • The first faction event now reveals the location of a faction settlement if you have not found it before
  • Rebalanced enemies and bossfights.
Ships now have a Cargo Hold to store items & spare modules


  • Ecoterrorists start with 2 Frag Grenades (down from 3)
  • Glitchblades start with a Heat Chamber Weapon Mod (changed from Kinetic Engine)
  •  Wireheads start with 2 EMP Grenades (changed from Nightrunner Clothing)
  • Astromancers start with 2 Energy Cells (changed from 2 PowerGen)
  • Chromeskins start with a Reinforced Jacket (changed from Combat Exoskeleton)
  • You can click on each individual starting equipment item in the Origins page, and it will redirect you to its specific spread where you can learn more information about it
Clicking on Origin equipment now directs you to the specific page to help you learn more information


  • Auto-Reloader [weapon mod] now costs 3 Energy, instead of 2.
  • Shock Taser [weapon mod] changed to: If you roll 1 base damage when attacking with this weapon, the enemy is Shocked for 2 turns.
  • Counter Guard [weapon mod] now costs 3 Energy, instead of 2.
  • Heat Chamber [weapon mod] changed to: If you roll 1 base damage when attacking with this weapon, the enemy is Overheated for 2 turns.
  • Weapon mods can now only be purchased at WARG Settlements.


  • You can now track status conditions with your character sheet.
  • Silence now only affects cybertech skills and passive effects.
  • Breach has changed to: You can’t use hacks or control drones.  Enemy hacks are always successful.
  • Specified that Overheat and Stun take place at the start of your turn.
The effect of some status conditions has been changed


  • You can now buy Hacks at Medusa Settlements, and sell Master Hacks.
  • Drones can now be bought at Synth Arch Settlements.
  • HACK_Javelin now deals d10 + MIN damage, instead of only d10.
  • HACK_Ember now scales with MIN instead of TEC.
  • HACK_Blackout now costs 1 Energy.
  • HACK_Shadow changed to: Become Immune until you deal direct damage. Costs 1 Energy per turn while active.  
  • HACK_Parasyte now applies Silence, instead of Shock to the enemy.  
  • HACK_Supernova now applies Shock, instead of Silence to the enemy.  
  • HACK_Aegis now lasts for MIN turns, instead of until the end of the fight.
  • HACK_Ragnarok changed to: Overheat the enemy for MIN turns. Overheat deals +1 extra damage to the enemy for every turn it is active. [3 Energy]
  • DRONE_Spider's Paralyzing Web ability now costs 2 Energy and lasts 2 turns.
  • DRONE_Ladybug's Taser Shot ability now costs 2 Energy and lasts 2 turns.
  • DRONE_OwO's Missile Strike ability now costs 5 Energy.
  • NGHTMR Key changed to: Highly destructive computer virus. You can spend it to set an enemies’ MIN to 0 or force a enemy ship to skip their next turn.
Hacks & Drones can now be bought at Medusa and Synth Settlements respectively

Other Changes

  • Stolen Contraband is now renamed to Contraband Package
  • Clarified that you can freely swap mods between weapons and extract mods from weapons
  • Zero-G Liquor now specifies that it lasts until next cycle
  • Increased the HP and armor of faction bossfights.
  • Added the critical condition status to ship combat, making the effect of some ship modules easier to understand and more intuitive
  • It is specified that you can reroll a mission's location if the tile is not present on your map
  • Rules for purchasing entire new pre-built ships have been also added to the database section
  • Captain tables have been added to pages 110-112
  • Specified how to escape fights with multiple enemies
  • Specified that drones are not classified as hack
  • Added new rules explanations to the database
  • Made changes to the loot rewards table.
  • Fixed various errors/typos.
  • And more changes!

🔖 Next Update

Update 1.2 has brought so many quality of life and balance changes. The next 1.3 update will be smaller, focused on new digital content and extras for the game. Until then!

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Digital Files Release Date & Last Surveys | June Update #08
3 months ago – Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 03:38:08 AM

📭 Introduction

Hi! In this new update you will find more information on the release schedule for the digital content and some notes on completing the BackerKit surveys, if you have not been able to do so already.

📧 Backerkit Surveys

The BackerKit surveys were launched a few weeks ago, and the vast majority of them have been completed by now.  Make sure you have finished it, since completing the survey is essential to receive both digital and physical rewards!

If you are a backer and you have not completed the survey yet, please contact me through messages on Kickstarter and I'll solve any issues you may have.

IMPORTANT: If you have logged into Kickstarter with an APPLE ID account, it is likely that you have not been able to see the survey, since they are sent to that apple email, which most people don't use as their regular email address. Message me if this is the case and I'll update your email address to the one you prefer. 

Please note that surveys are ONLY sent to Kickstarter backers, not Pre-order backers since they already have provided the relevant information when finishing the pledge.

📅 Digital Files Release Schedule

The Core Book will soon be available for backers! You will be able to download the Core Book PDF and some additional digital files (such as Character Sheets).

Backers will have early access to the digital files on July 6th.

Content and Updates

The Core Book will also receive updates as we get closer to the final print version. The first of these updates will release in late July and include the Stretch Goal extras for the Core Book, such as campaign mode and multiplayer rules, along with additional starship designs and random tables.

Additional digital extras (Tokens, Print-outs, Digital Journals, etc.) will be made available throughout the month of July and the rest of the Summer. 

The expansions will be released one by one, after the Core Book and Stretch Goals are available, periodically.  More information on the expansion releases and the new content implemented will be included in the July update.

How to access the files 

Once the digital files are ready, they will be made available to backers through your BackerKit Digital Downloads dashboard. You will receive an email notifying you of the release of the digital content, which will contain a link to a page where you will be able to access all current and previous files as they are updated. 

🎙️ Podcast Interview

I went on a podcast last month on One Shot's Tavern, and did an interview on ASTROPRISMA and ttrpg design. You can listen to it through the following links! Youtube - Spotify -

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Backerkit Surveys & Early Game Playthrough | May Update #07
4 months ago – Sun, May 26, 2024 at 03:00:58 PM

📭 Introduction

Hi! Since the last update I've been really busy and made a bunch of progress on the back end side of things, mostly working out shipping and fulfilment logistics around the world. I've also worked on the Backerkit surveys, and continued work on finishing and polishing the digital version of the game. 

Backerkit surveys will be sent to backers through email soon, so I've prepared a little tutorial on how it works for people who may be new to them. I've also been working on a 30 minute playthrough of the early game, and a little preview showcase of some more content I've been working on.

Since the funding phase is now over and I'm going to start working full time on the print-ready version of the game and the expansion content, updates will be released monthly from now on.

The digital version of ASTROPRISMA will release during the last week of June.

📧 Backerkit Surveys

Backerkit is our pledge manager, you will soon receive an email from them containing your survey. It will look something like this:

Survey access email

Click the button to respond and you will be taken to the survey page. 

Start of the survey

The survey will show your pledge level and your location, here you should select the country you want the items to be shipped to and your state or region.

Survey shipping disclaimer question

You will then be shown the shipping disclaimer, we will charge shipping at a later date like mentioned in the campaign, which ensures that we can get the best possible options for backers all over the world.

Add-ons from kickstarter

If you have purchased any add-ons from the Kickstarter campaign, they will be shown here. You just need to accept and go to the next page.

Backerkit add-on section

In this next section, you will have access to all the previously available add-on rewards and a few new options, like extra copies of the core book, a new larger A3 Poster of the cover art and a Star System Map, or all the VTT content at a huge discount.

Note that shipping cost is calculated by weight, so adding several heavy items like extra books or journals will increase shipping cost accordingly.

New A3 Poster of the Cover Art and the Starmap
New Starmap poster design

Once you have selected all your add-ons you can advance to the next screen. You need to write your name, shipping address and other information so we can get ASTROPRISMA shipped to you!

Address and information screen

🎬 Playthrough Video!

Here's a detailed playthrough video of the early exploration steps when traveling to a new star system, along with a visual explanation of some of the gameplay mechanics. I use the character and starship that I created in the first two tutorials to start a new adventure in ASTROPRISMA. Hope you enjoy!

 📖 Content Preview

When I wasn't working on shipping and logistics for the game, I spent my time this week polishing the graphics for some of the pages of the game. Here's a few examples of the stuff I have been working on lately.

Looting rules
Narco-biotics header
Status conditions
Hostile spaceship encounters header
Planet encounters headers -

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Late Pledges Open Soon & Starships Preview | Update #06
5 months ago – Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 09:17:36 AM

🛍️ Late Pledges

I've finished setting up the Pre-Order store for late pledges. I'm just waiting on confirmation for BackerKit to be able to open it. It should go live over the next few days. 

Once it goes live I'll post the link on all my social media profiles and I'll also add a direct link at the top of the Kickstarter page.

🛠️ Progress Update

I'm hard at work on finishing the game and the stretch goal content. Now that the campaign has finished I'll keep posting updates every two weeks so there's more space to work on new things in-between posts.

I'm also preparing the BackerKit surveys, where you will be able to select new addons or upgrade your pledge. I'll add more information on the next post, along with a small guide for anyone that hasn't used that system before.

🚀 Starships Preview

On this game preview update I'll go over the starship mechanics and how to create a starter ship from scratch. I've also prepared a new video tutorial on the starship sheet and starship creation.

Mechanics Introduction

First, a small introduction to the starship combat mechanics. During space combat, your ship's engines will generate a set amount of energy to power the different modules it has installed. This energy is represented by Action Dice, a series of d6 dice that you roll at the start of every turn and that you will "spend" on the different abilities provided by your modules. The number of Action Dice you get per turn is determined by your Engine module.

Starship Modules

All ships - both your own and the enemy ships - are comprised of several starship modules. They represent different parts of your spaceship and each provide a unique skill or ability used during space combat. There are 4 types of modules:

Control - The cockpit and command room, they provide a powerful passive skill to your ship.

Engines - They power all the other modules and provide you with Action Dice to spend on them each turn.

Weapons - Cannons, lasers, and other weaponry. They allow you to damage enemy ships and break their shields.

Systems - Radars, drones, shield generators, and more. They represent a wide range of technological upgrades to your ship that offer different abilities (shields, healing, enemy disruption, etc)

Example of a small enemy ship design and its stats.

Each ship has a maximum of 6 module slots, with two of those slots being reserved for the Control and Engines modules. The remaining 4 slots can be used to install any combination of Weapons and/or Sytems modules.

Modules are also divided into different tiers that represent their power level. Tier 4 modules being the most powerful ones, and Tier 1 modules the most basic.

Creating your first ship

When starting a new adventure, you must create a new starship after building your player character. To do so, you can choose between creating one from scratch or picking one of the pre-built ships from the back of the book (there will be 18 designs included in the Core Book, and an additional set of starter ship designs from the stretch goals). 

If you decide to build your own, the next step is to choose 4 starting modules. You must select 1 Control module and 1 Engines module. For the remaining two slots you can select 2 Weapons modules, 2 System modules, or one of each. 

When creating your first ship, you can only select from Tier 1 modules, except for one of them, that can be selected from the Tier 2.

Starter Ship Creation Example

To create my spaceship I have picked the following modules: a Tier 1 Control module (Aurora Cockpit), a Tier 2 Engines module (Quad-Reactor), Tier 1 Weapons module (OGRE Missiles), and a Tier 1 Systems module (Repair Drones).

Once I selected the modules I drew them on the grid at the top of the starship sheet and completed the design of my spaceship. Finally, I added all the modules to their respective slots and named the ship.

Starship sheet completed with a starting ship design and modules. -

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