

Created by Crescent Chimera

A solo sci-fi RPG of space exploration and faction conflict set in a retrofuturistic universe

Latest Updates from Our Project:

End of the campaign & late pledges! | Update #05
5 months ago – Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 12:53:38 PM

💫 We have crossed the finish line!

The campaign has ended! Thanks everyone for the overwhelming support for the game. Over 7.000 people backed the Kickstarter and we crushed the funding goal!

It has been an amazing experience seeing the project grow and gain so much traction over the last four weeks. Really excited to begin fulfilment and make it into a reality!

✨ Late Pledges

I've received a lot of messages about people wanting to back the game after the campaign had already ended. I'm happy to announce that the late pledge page will be open on BackerKit starting next week, so if anyone has missed the chance to get the game during the Kickstarter, they have a chance to do it now!

This was a smaller update to celebrate the end of the Kickstarter, I'll be back next week with a bigger update with more content and previews. Hope everyone has a nice weekend! -

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Last 24 Hours! New Stretch Goals, Creator Fund, & Roadmap | Update #04
5 months ago – Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 03:14:18 AM

⏱️ Last 24 Hours of Funding!

The campaign is coming to a close, and we are almost at the finish line! 

There's 24 hours left to back the project on Kickstarter. In these past 30 days we have fully funded the project and reached over 5,000 backers, surpassing all my expectations.

🖥️ Virtual Tabletop Adaptation Preview

I'm incredibly excited to show a small proof of concept mockup of the virtual tabletop, to give you a rough idea of ASTROPRISMA will look when adapted to Alchemy VTT.

I'll be working closely with them to adapt every mechanic and feature of the game as seamlessly as possible into the virtual tabletop experience, and give players an enhanced mode of digital play for both solo and co-op. 

Concepts of the Virtual Tabletop adaptation (work in progress)

🚀 New Stretch Goals!

Thanks everyone for backing! We have reached all the stretch goals for the game, including campaign rules, a digital enemy supplement specially designed for co-op and multiplayer play, and unlocked the creator fund

Stretch Goals

🔖 Astroprisma Creator Fund

For the final stretch goal of the campaign I've decided to give back to the community and share some of the success of the core game. I'll establish a creator fund to support people who make third party content and expansions for the game. 

In addition, I'll work on setting up a comprehensive library of all third party content in the game's website, so players can find new expansions to play easily, and creators get a visibility boost for their creations.


To kickstart the process of funding creators through the creator fund, a game jam will be celebrated on for the release of the first game expansion. 

You will be able to participate with any sort of content (expansions, locations, enemies, quests, etc.) for the game. The top community picks, and also my personal favourites, will all be rewarded with funds.

I'll announce the launch date of the game jam and all the details in the future!

Some designs for the 3rd party content compatibility logo

🗓️ Fulfilment Roadmap

Now that the funding period is almost over, I've prepared this roadmap graphic to give you an idea of the fulfilment schedule and release plans. From now on, I'll keep you updated on our progress with the game every two weeks until printing and production starts. 

2024 Release Roadmap -

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More Stretch Goals, Campaign Mode, and Mechanics Overview | Update #03
5 months ago – Thu, Apr 11, 2024 at 11:43:35 AM

🚀 New Stretch Goals!

Thanks everyone for backing! The project has been doing really well during the past week. We have gained more than a 1,500 new backers since the last update, unlocking more stretch goals along the way! 

🔭 Campaign Mode

The Core Book will now include additional rules for campaign play, allowing you to play across several star systems with the same player character in a long connected playthrough. 

🔮 Alchemy VTT Integration

ASTROPRISMA will be fully integrated into the Alchemy RPG virtual table top, including all additional content and digital extras. All rules and content will be adapted, making it easier and more immersive to play digitally. 

Astromancer Edition backers will get access to all current Astroprisma content on the virtual table top for free! 

🎲 Mechanics Overview

Here's an overview section of some of the core game mechanics:

○ Play Mechanics

Here's a breakdown that explains every mechanic on the Character Sheet.

○ Challenge Rolls

ASTROPRISMA uses "Challenge Rolls" to determine success or failure in certain situations.

 Some interactions or events will require a  Challenge Roll to be resolved. Roll two 10-sided dice - the Player die and the Challenge die. Add your relevant Stat to the Player die, and the opponent’s to the Challenge die. If the result of the Player die is higher, you succeed.

○ Exploration Rolls

The other main type of roll mechanic in the game are Exploration Rolls. When you land on an unexplored tile, you must roll a series of d6 dice on the encounter and location generators to determine what you find and what events take place. 

Depending on your result, you may discover one of the following, out of more than 300 total possible encounter events:

  • A planet (out of 6 different types, each type with its unique landing and feature table and encounter tables)
  • A satellite (out of 6 different types, each type with its unique landing and feature table and encounter tables)
  • A hostile or a neutral starship encounter (Cargo transporters, space pirates, looters, mercenary patrols, military checkpoints, bounty hunters, ...)
  • A settlement, controlled by one of the 5 game factions (where you can rest, trade, upgrade your starship, upgrade your character with new cybertech implants, take quests from the ruling faction, ...)
  • A faction encounter, with characters from one of the core factions.
  • Other unique encounters, their type depends on the ring you are located in within the star system map:
    • Inner Ring - Helios Farms & Solar Flares
    • Middle Ring - Star Cruisers & Trade Outposts
    • Outer Ring - Asteroid Seas & Pirate Hideouts

Each expansion adds its own unique set of encounters and locations on top of the ones detailed above from the base game.

Example of a partially explored Star System

○ Enemy Stats 

The following schematic explains all the elements present in a standard enemy statblock:

Enemy statblock example

📼 Character Sheet Tutorial

I've also started to work on a small series of video tutorials about the game. On this first part I go over the Character Sheet and explain all the elements it includes: Part 1 - Part 2

You can also read more about the character sheet's design in this thread

🎙️ Podcast Interview

I had a great time going on The Weekly Scroll podcast last Friday to talk about ASTROPRISMA and making tabletop rpgs.

You can listen to the whole interview here! Spotify - Youtube -

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New Free Expansion, Co-op Rules, and Development Preview! | Update #02
6 months ago – Sat, Mar 30, 2024 at 08:21:54 AM

Free Extra Expansion!

We have hit over 1,000 backers and so many stretch goals!

I'm really excited to announce that all backers will receive a free additional expansion with their pledge. Jess Levine, author of other tabletop rpgs such as PLANET FIST or GOING ROGUE will write a new trifold adventure for the game. 

Core Book, Deluxe Edition, and Astromancer Edition backers will receive the physical and digital versions of the expansion. Digital Edition backers will get the digital download.

👥 Co-op Rules

ASTROPRISMA will now include rules for Co-op play in the Core Book, along with tips for running the game for multiple players. You will find guidelines to play the game both with a GM and GM-less, and best practices for multiplayer games.

🚀 More Stretch Goals

We have hit so many stretch goals so far, including an Online Generator, and a full Soundtrack for the game. Here are the updated Stretch Goals:

👁️‍🗨️ Development Preview

After an incredible launch week, I'm going back to work on finishing the game. Here is a little preview of what I have been working on lately:

Weapon Mods (WIP)
Satellite Generator (WIP)

🎴 Wallpapers

I've prepared a series of ASTROPRISMA-themed 4k wallpapers for PC and smartphones. You can download them here:

Wallpaper Folder

Oracle 4k Wallpaper -

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Funded in under 2 hours! Stretch Goals and Newsletter | Update #01
6 months ago – Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 09:12:21 AM

🎉 Astroprisma is funded!

Thank you so much for supporting ASTROPRISMA!

The project funded in under two hours, and 24 hours later it has more than tripled the funding goal. The support has gone beyond all my expectations and I'm really excited to show you everything that I've been working on for the game.

To celebrate, I've decided to add stretch goals to the project. We have already hit the first one and we are getting close to the second one. I will keep revealing more as we unlock the current ones.

🚀 Stretch Goals

📩 Follow my Newsletter

I have recently started a monthly newsletter magazine - Chimera's Lair - focused on tabletop rpgs and solo games. If you want to be updated on all things Astroprisma and not miss any future game releases you can subscribe here! 

The first issue of the newsletter is out now.  Inside it you will find a small preview of Astroprisma, a list of some of my favourite projects from Zine Month, and a review of a newly released solo game.

Art for Issue #001 of the magazine -

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